James B Ames Professor Faculty Director of NMR Facility Biophysical chemistry and structural biology (530) 752-6358 jbames@ucdavis.edu Ames Lab 126 Chemistry
Shota Atsumi Professor Synthetic biology and metabolic engineering (530) 752-6595 satsumi@ucdavis.edu Atsumi Lab 218 Chemistry
Matthew Augustine Professor Magnetic and optical resonance applications to emerging problems (530) 754-7550 maugust@ucdavis.edu Augustine Lab 069 Chemistry
Peter Beal Professor Nucleic acids chemical biology (530) 752-4132 pabeal@ucdavis.edu Beal Lab Chemical Biology Program 5469 Chemistry Annex
Louise Berben Professor Synthetic and physical inorganic chemistry (530) 752-8475 laberben@ucdavis.edu Berben Lab 3465 Chemistry Annex
R. David Britt Winston Ko Chair and Distinguished Professor Biological and synthetic energy catalysis, metalloenzymes, EPR spectroscopy (530) 752-6377 rdbritt@ucdavis.edu Britt EPR 3469 Chemistry Annex
Julia Chamberlain Associate Professor of Teaching (LSOE) Active and collaborative learning strategies, education technology, and course transformation (530) 754-1448 jchamberlain@ucdavis.edu 2109 Chemistry
Bronte Charette Assistant Professor Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry (530) 754-1947 bjcharette@ucdavis.edu Charette Lab 2463 Chemistry Annex
Dr. Xi Chen Professor Chemical biology/glycoscience (530) 754-6037 xiichen@ucdavis.edu Chen Glyco Group My Bibliography ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3160-614X Google Scholar 212 Chemistry
Kyle Crabtree Associate Professor Astrochemistry, microwave spectroscopy and low-temperature kinetics (530) 752-6024 kncrabtree@ucdavis.edu Crabtree Lab 2111 Chemistry
Sheila David Professor Chemical biology of DNA repair (530) 752-4280 ssdavid@ucdavis.edu David Lab 2471 Chemistry Annex
Davide Donadio Professor Theory of nanostructures, interfaces and transport phenomena (530) 754-1040 ddonadio@ucdavis.edu Donadio Group Twitter 4423 Chemistry Annex
Whitney C. Duim Assistant Professor of Teaching Course-based undergraduate research experiences, student engagement, and biophysical chemistry 530-752-4757 wcduim@ucdavis.edu Google Scholar 2108 Chemistry
Andrew J. Fisher Professor Department of Chemistry Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology Protein Structure-Function and Structural Biology (530) 754-6180 ajfisher@ucdavis.edu Fisher Lab ORCID: 0000-0003-3488-6594 4A Briggs
Ruaridh Forbes Assistant Professor Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Chemical Physics (530) 752-0943 ruforbes@ucdavis.edu 2110 Chemistry
Annaliese Franz Professor Organic synthesis, asymmetric catalysis, organocatalysis, mechanism, NMR spectroscopy, bioactive lipids, and lipid nanoparticles (530) 752-9820 akfranz@ucdavis.edu Franz Lab 314 Chemistry
Jacquelyn Gervay-Hague Professor Natural products synthesis, tea chemistry, and phytoceuticals (530) 754-9577 jgervayhague@ucdavis.edu Gervay-Hague Lab Google Scholar 5463 Chemistry Annex
David Goodin Professor and Department Chair Metalloenzyme structure and function (530) 752-0504 dbgoodin@ucdavis.edu goodinchair@ucdavis.edu Goodin Lab 112 Chemistry
Ozcan Gulacar Professor of Teaching Cognition, problem solving, socio-scientific issues, and sustainability (530) 752-8881 ogulacar@ucdavis.edu ResearchGate ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7709-0524 316 Chemistry
Marie Heffern Associate Professor Bioinorganic chemistry in nutrition and diseases, chemical biology and imaging (530) 752-5563 mcheffern@ucdavis.edu Heffern Lab 2107 Chemistry
Susan M. Kauzlarich Distinguished Professor Synthesis and characterization of inorganic solid state and nanomaterials for emerging technologies (530) 752-4756 smkauzlarich@ucdavis.edu Google Scholar ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3627-237X 2106 Chemistry
Kristie J Koski Associate Professor Materials and condensed matter chemistry (530) 752-7884 koski@ucdavis.edu Koski Lab 222 Chemistry
Donald Land Professor Interfacial spectroscopy and microscopy or dynamic systems (530) 752-5260 dpland@ucdavis.edu 312 Chemistry
Delmar Larsen Professor Photoactivated dynamics in sensory proteins and photocatalysis (530) 204-8319 dlarsen@ucdavis.edu Larsen Lab 214 Chemistry