- Analytical Chemistry
- Bioinorganic Chemistry
- Biophysical Chemistry
- Chemical Biology
- Chemistry Education
- Environmental Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Materials Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
- Theoretical Chemistry
- Graduate Group Faculty
Analytical Chemistry
- Louise Berben | Synthetic and physical inorganic chemistry
- Oliver Fiehn (Molecular and Cellular Biology) | Mass spectrometry and computation chemistry for metabolomics
- Kit Lam (Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine) | Lymphoma, targeted therapy for cancer, molecular imaging, drug development and combinatorial chemistry
- Donald Land | Interfacial spectroscopy and microscopy or dynamic systems
- Delmar Larsen | Photoactivated dynamics in sensory proteins and photocatalysis
- Carlito Lebrilla | Bioanalytical mass spectrometry
- Gang-yu Liu | Nanoscience and nanoengineering, bioanalytical chemistry
- Elizabeth Neumann | Developing multimodal imaging approaches for exploring the molecular and cellular architecture of complex diseases
- Jesús Velázquez | Synthesis and characterization of materials at the meso/nanoscale for energy conversion and environmental remediation
- Selina Wang (Food Science and Technology) | Analytical and food chemistry
Bioinorganic Chemistry
- Alan Balch | Endohedral fullerenes; luminescence for metal-metal bonding
- R. David Britt | Biological and synthetic energy catalysis, metalloenzymes, EPR spectroscopy
- Sheila David | Chemical biology of DNA repair
- David Goodin | Metalloenzyme structure and function
- Marie Heffern | Bioinorganic chemistry in nutrition and diseases, chemical biology and imaging
Biophysical Chemistry
- James Ames | Biophysical chemistry and structural biology
- Matthew Augustine | Magnetic and optical resonance applications to emerging problems
- R. David Britt | Biological and synthetic energy catalysis, metalloenzymes, EPR spectroscopy
- Andrew Fisher | Protein structure-function and X-ray crystallography
- David Goodin | Metalloenzyme structure and function
- Marie Heffern | Bioinorganic chemistry in nutrition and diseases, chemical biology and imaging
- Delmar Larsen | Photoactivated dynamics in sensory proteins and photocatalysis
- Atul Parikh (Biomedical Engineering) | Biomolecular materials, synthetic chemical biology, soft condensed matter
- Justin Siegel | Computational enzyme design
- Alexei Stuchebrukhov | Electron and proton transfer dynamics in condensed phases
- Michael Toney | Enzyme catalysis, functional genomics, and biofuel cells
- David Wilson (Molecular and Cellular Biology) | Structural biochemistry
Chemical Biology
You may also refer to the Chemical Biology Program (CBP), directed by Professor Peter Beal and largely funded by a NIH T32 Training Grant. The CBP provides fellowships annually to highly qualified graduate students conducting research at the interface of chemistry and biology.
- James Ames | Biophysical chemistry and structural biology
- Shota Atsumi | Synthetic biology and metabolic engineering
- Peter Beal | Nucleic acids chemical biology
- R. David Britt | Biological and synthetic energy catalysis, metalloenzymes, EPR spectroscopy
- Xi Chen | Chemical biology/glycoscience
- Sheila David | Chemical biology of DNA repair
- Oliver Fiehn (Molecular and Cellular Biology) | Mass spectrometry and computation chemistry for metabolomics
- Andrew Fisher | Protein structure-function and X-ray crystallography
- Annaliese Franz | Organic synthesis, catalysis, and biofuels
- Jacquelyn Gervay-Hague | Natural products synthesis, tea chemistry, and phytoceuticals
- David Goodin | Metalloenzyme structure and function
- Marie Heffern | Bioinorganic chemistry in nutrition and diseases, chemical biology and imaging
- Kit Lam (Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine) | Lymphoma, targeted therapy for cancer, molecular imaging, drug development and combinatorial chemistry
- Carlito Lebrilla | Bioanalytical mass spectrometry
- Angelique Louie (Biomedical Engineering) | Molecular imaging and novel imaging probes
- Elizabeth Neumann | Developing multimodal imaging approaches for exploring the molecular and cellular architecture of complex diseases
- David Olson | Organic synthesis and chemical neuroscience
- Atul Parikh (Biomedical Engineering) | Biomolecular materials, synthetic chemical biology, soft condensed matter
- Jared Shaw | Synthetic methods, natural products, chemical biology
- Justin Siegel | Computational enzyme design
- Alexei Stuchebrukhov | Electron and proton transfer dynamics in condensed phases
- Dean Tantillo | Theoretical organic chemistry, natural products biosynthesis
- Michael Toney | Enzyme catalysis, functional genomics, and biofuel cells
- Igor Vorobyov (Physiology and Membrane Biology) | Molecular modeling of membrane protein physiology and pharmacology
- David Wilson (Molecular and Cellular Biology) | Structural biochemistry
- Heike Wulff (Pharmacology) | Design of potassium channel modulators
- Philipp Zerbe (Plant Biology) | Unveiling the diversity of plant metabolism for plant and human health
Chemistry Education
- Julia Chamberlain | Active and collaborative learning strategies, education technology, and course transformation
- Whitney Duim | Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs)
- Ozcan Gulacar | Problem solving, cognition, and educational technology
- Delmar Larsen | Photoactivated dynamics in sensory proteins and photocatalysis
Environmental Chemistry
- Louise Berben | Synthetic and physical inorganic chemistry
- Tran Nguyen | Fundamental atmospheric oxidation; cloud/fog and aerosol chemistry; e-cigarette and combustion chemistry
- Frank Osterloh | Solar Energy Conversion / Water Photoelectrolysis
- Selina Wang (Food Science and Technology) | Analytical and food chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
- Alan Balch | Endohedral fullerenes; luminescence for metal-metal bonding
- Louise Berben | Synthetic and physical inorganic chemistry
- R. David Britt | Biological and synthetic energy catalysis, metalloenzymes, EPR spectroscopy
- Julia Chamberlain | Active and collaborative learning strategies, education technology, and course transformation
- Bronte Charette | Synthetic inorganic chemistry
- Marie Heffern | Bioinorganic chemistry in nutrition and diseases, chemical biology and imaging
- Susan Kauzlarich | Synthesis and characterization of inorganic solid state and nanomaterials for emerging technologies
- Alexandra Navrotsky (Emerita) | Energetics of ceramic, earth, environmental, and nanophase materials
- Frank Osterloh | Inorganic nanomaterials for solar energy conversion
- Philip Power | Synthesis, physical, catalytic and magnetic properties of inorganic and organometallic compounds
- Valentin Taufour (Physics) | Synthesis and characterization of new quantum materials, magnetism, superconductivity
- Jesús Velázquez | Synthesis and characterization of materials at the meso/nanoscale for energy conversion and environmental remediation
Materials Chemistry
- Davide Donadio | Theory of nanostructures, interfaces and transport phenomena
- Susan Kauzlarich | Synthesis and characterization of inorganic solid state and nanomaterials for emerging technologies
- Kristie Koski | Materials and condensed matter chemistry
- Gang-yu Liu | Nanoscience and nanoengineering, bioanalytical chemistry
- Angelique Louie (Biomedical Engineering) | Molecular imaging and novel imaging probes
- Alexandra Navrotsky (Emerita) | Energetics of ceramic, earth, environmental, and nanophase materials
- Frank Osterloh | Inorganic nanomaterials for solar energy conversion
- Valentin Taufour (Physics) | Synthesis and characterization of new quantum materials, magnetism, superconductivity
- Jesús Velázquez | Synthesis and characterization of materials at the meso/nanoscale for energy conversion and environmental remediation
Organic Chemistry
- Peter Beal | Nucleic acids chemical biology
- Xi Chen | Chemical biology/glycoscience
- Sheila David | Chemical biology of DNA repair
- Annaliese Franz | Organic synthesis, catalysis, and biofuels
- Jacquelyn Gervay-Hague | Natural products synthesis, tea chemistry, and phytoceuticals
- Mark Mascal | Organic synthesis, bioenergy research, molecular modeling
- David Olson | Organic synthesis and chemical neuroscience
- Cody Ross Pitts | Synthetic and physical organic chemistry
- Neil Schore (Emeritus) | Organic synthesis with polymers, dendrimers, organometallics
- Jared Shaw | Synthetic methods, natural products, chemical biology
- Dean Tantillo | Theoretical organic chemistry, natural products biosynthesis
- Michael Toney | Enzyme catalysis, functional genomics, and biofuel cells
Physical Chemistry
- James Ames | Biophysical chemistry and structural biology
- Matthew Augustine | Magnetic and optical resonance applications to emerging problems
- R. David Britt | Biological and synthetic energy catalysis, metalloenzymes, EPR spectroscopy
- Kyle Crabtree | Astrochemistry, microwave spectroscopy and low-temperature kinetics
- Davide Donadio | Theory of nanostructures, interfaces and transport phenomena
- Ruaridh Forbes | Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Chemical Physics
- William Jackson (Emeritus) | Photodissociation dynamics with velocity ion imaging
- Kristie Koski | Materials and condensed matter chemistry
- Donald Land | Interfacial spectroscopy and microscopy of dynamic systems
- Delmar Larsen | Photoactivated dynamics in sensory proteins and photocatalysis
- Gang-yu Liu | Nanoscience and nanoengineering, bioanalytical chemistry
- C. William McCurdy | Theory of ultrafast UV and X-ray laser interactions with molecules
- Cheuk-Yiu Ng | Chemical structures and dynamics by state-to-state spectroscopy
- Frank Osterloh | Electrochemistry and Photochemistry
- Alexei Stuchebrukhov | Electron and proton transfer dynamics in condensed phases
- Valentin Taufour (Physics) | Synthesis and characterization of new quantum materials, magnetism, superconductivity
- Lee-Ping Wang | Energy conversion in catalysis and biomolecules; theoretical and computational chemistry
Theoretical Chemistry
- Davide Donadio | Theory of nanostructures, interfaces and transport phenomena
- C. William McCurdy | Theory of ultrafast UV and X-ray laser interactions with molecules
- Chenchen Song | Electronic structure method development for excited state dynamics
- Alexei Stuchebrukhov | Electron and proton transfer dynamics in condensed phases
- Dean Tantillo | Theoretical organic chemistry, natural products biosynthesis
- Igor Vorobyov (Physiology and Membrane Biology) | Molecular modeling of membrane protein physiology and pharmacology
- Lee-Ping Wang | Energy conversion in catalysis and biomolecules; theoretical and computational chemistry
Graduate Group Faculty
A key concept of graduate education at UC Davis is the graduate group. Our graduate programs are organized as interdisciplinary graduate groups, giving students intellectual freedom to transcend disciplines and areas of research.
Graduate group faculty members outside of the Department of Chemistry have their primary appointments indicated in parentheses.
- Oliver Fiehn (Molecular and Cellular Biology) | Mass spectrometry and computation chemistry for metabolomics
- Kit Lam (Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine) | Lymphoma, targeted therapy for cancer, molecular imaging, drug development and combinatorial chemistry
- Angelique Louie (Biomedical Engineering) | Molecular imaging and novel imaging probes
- Tran Nguyen | Fundamental atmospheric oxidation; cloud/fog and aerosol chemistry; e-cigarette and combustion chemistry
- Atul Parikh (Biomedical Engineering) | Biomolecular materials, synthetic chemical biology, soft condensed matter
- Valentin Taufour (Physics) | Synthesis and characterization of new quantum materials, magnetism, superconductivity
- Igor Vorobyov (Physiology and Membrane Biology) | Molecular modeling of membrane protein physiology and pharmacology
- Selina Wang (Food Science and Technology) | Analytical and food chemistry
- David Wilson (Molecular and Cellular Biology) | Structural biochemistry
- Heike Wulff (Pharmacology) | Design of potassium channel modulators
- Philipp Zerbe (Plant Biology) | Unveiling the diversity of plant metabolism for plant and human health