We are excited about chemistry at UC Davis! The Educational Outreach Committee (EOC) is composed of faculty, staff and graduate students from the Department of Chemistry. We coordinate and carry out dissemination activities at public events, including the annual UC Davis Picnic Day, exhibits and K-12 schools to promote interest in the chemical sciences and awareness of how chemistry impacts everyday life.
If you are interested in working with us for an event at your school or organization, please email chem-outreach@ucdavis.edu.
In addition to the EOC, our three main platforms for educational outreach are:
The Chemistry Club
The Chemistry Club is an organization of undergraduate students, run by club officers and supervised by a committee of faculty advisers. The purpose of the Chemistry Club is to provide social, networking and academic activities for students interested in the chemical sciences. Members of the Chemistry Club take an active part in the department's educational outreach activities, performing chemistry demonstrations and activities for the public.
Science Café
The Davis Science Café series was founded in 2012 by Professor Jared Shaw, initially supported by the National Science Foundation and currently supported by the Department of Chemistry and Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and promoted by Capital Science Communicators. Hosted on the second Wednesday of each month. Free to the public.
Research Experience for Undergraduates
ChemEnergy REU Program
The objective of the UC Davis ChemEnergy REU Program is to provide diverse undergraduate students with a unique ten-week research experience tackling important societal research problems in energy and catalysis. During this program students will live on campus and work alongside faculty and graduate students to gain a unique perspective on modern chemistry research and training to improve scientific communication skills. Professor Annaliese Franz is the Director and PI of the REU program, and Professor Jesus Velazquez is the co-PI. This program is supported by the National Science Foundation.
Dates for Summer 2025: TBD
Chemistry and Chemical Biology Graduate Admissions Pathways (CCBGAP)
CCBGAP establishes a long-term partnership in mentoring and research collaboration between faculty at UC Davis and Xavier University of Louisiana. This program takes a comprehensive approach to student intellectual development through dual mentoring by UC Davis and Xavier University faculty, seminars, video conferences, site visits, and training in scientific communication to prepare students for intensive summer research at UC Davis and competitive applications to graduate programs in chemistry and chemical biology. It is open to any Xavier University undergraduate in junior standing.
High School Summer Outreach Programs
ACS Project Seed
ACS Project SEED is a summer research program that opens new doors for economically disadvantaged high school students to experience what it’s like to be a chemist. The program provides opportunities for students who historically lack exposure to scientific careers to spend a summer conducting hands-on research with a scientist in academic, industry, and government research laboratories. Starting in 1988, our department has welcomed talented students from low-income families in the greater Sacramento area into the labs every summer for eight weeks to participate in this American Chemical Society program, which is currently coordinated by Professor Shota Atsumi with assistance from the Early Academic Outreach Program at UC Davis. Many professors and graduate students have become mentors for these high school students, spending time with them in the lab and at other networking functions.
California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS)
COSMOS is a 4-week summer residential program for high achieving math and science students. Students live on campus and attend subject specific classes taught by UC faculty and researchers. The program is open to 9th-12th grade high school students. This intense academic program is intended to inspire and encourage young people to pursue future study in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) related field.
Alumni Outreach
Build for the Future of Chemistry
Build for the Future of Chemistry brings together UC Davis Chemistry alumni, faculty, and graduate and undergraduate students for a night of reflection, socializing, and community building. Several times a year, alumni involved in industry will be invited to give a short talk on their career trajectory since graduating from our program. Current students will have the opportunity to meet and mingle with our alumni and faculty over dinner after these talks conclude.

Other Outreach
Chemistry LibreTexts
LibreTexts is a new approach toward chemistry education where a textbook environment is constantly being written and re-written, partly by students and partly by faculty members, resulting in a free chemistry textbook to supplant conventional paper-based books. Anyone can view, although an account is required to edit the site modules. The LibreTexts project was founded and is currently directed by Professor Delmar Larsen.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies is a non-profit organization that offers free science fair project ideas, answers and tools for K-12 students. Students and Faculty can collaborate with Science Buddies to create "Project Ideas" that allow K-12 students and their teachers to do hands-on projects based on current research topics. Science Buddies served 9 million students and teachers in 2012 of diverse backgrounds including underrepresented minorities. A Project Idea of average popularity receives around 15,000 unique page views annually, helping to expose thousands of students to current research topics. Science Buddies also features an “Ask an Expert” online advice forum, where students and faculty can volunteer as “e-mentors” to provide real-world scientific knowledge and be role models for K-12 science students.