Taking CHE 1V in Summer Session

CHE 1V Flyer

What is it?

CHE 1V (Preparation for General Chemistry) is a one-quarter online preparatory course that is a prerequisite for the General Chemistry series (CHE 002/004) for those who don't take or don't pass the Chemistry Placement. It provides an introduction to basic ideas of chemistry in the context of real-world issues which include air and water pollution, acid rain, global warming, and sustainability challenges.

CHE 1V provides 3 units of academic credit and is offered in Summer Session 1 and 2 and Fall Quarter. It can be taken graded or Pass / No Pass. A grade of C- or higher (or Pass if taken Pass / No Pass) is required to qualify for CHE 2A or 4A.

To take CHE 1V in Summer Session, click here to start the application & registration process

When is it?

CHE 1V is offered in Summer Session 1 and 2 in a virtual format. Taking CHE 1V over the summer allows students to start their General Chemistry sequence in the fall to stay on track with their peers.

Who should take it?

Any student who is pursuing a major (or might pursue a major) that requires chemistry, and:

  1. Who did not earn a qualifying score from the Chemistry Placement before Fall Quarter,
  2. OR, who did not or will not take the Chemistry Placement before enrolling in Fall Quarter,
  3. AND, who wants to start the Chemistry 2/4 series in Fall Quarter.

What does it cost?

Summer Sessions charge a campus fee per session, as well as a course fee per unit. See more information here. The following shows the costs for Summer Session 2024.

Campus Fee: $388.81 per session

Course Fee: $279 per unit

Total: $1,225.81 (3 units)

Note: to receive financial aid over the summer, you must register for at least 6 units of coursework. Find other virtual course options by selecting the term and "Limit to virtual classes" in the Registrar course search tool.  

Total: $2,062.81 (6 units)

What steps do I need to take to enroll & get financial aid?

Newly admitted freshman and transfer students must do the following: