Position Title
Associate Professor
Position Title
Associate Professor
- Food Science and Technology
2160 Robert Mondavi Institute - North
Dr. Wang’s research program focuses on chemical quality, purity, and nutrition parameters that occur during fruit and vegetable post-harvesting, processing and storage. The Wang lab works on (1) identifying the important chemical markers that are important for quality, purity and nutrition in food products; (2) developing robust (faster and cheaper) detection methods so they can be easily adopted by industries; and (3) modifying processing methods to improve quality, purity and nutrition.
Education, Awards and Professional Highlights
- Chair, American Oil Chemists’ Society Avocado Oil Expert Panel (since 2021)
- Research Director, UC Davis Olive Center (2012-2022)
- UC Davis Faculty Stewardship Award (2021)
- Academic Federation Excellence in Research Award (2021)
- Olive Wellness Institute's inaugural Achievement Award (2020)
- PhD UC Davis (2008)
- BS UC Santa Cruz (2003)
Representative Publications
- Zhao, H.; Avena-Bustillos, R. J.; Wang, S. C. Foods, 2022, 11, 174 “Extraction, Purification and In Vitro Antioxidant Activity Evaluation of Phenolic Compounds in California Olive Pomace”
- Caló, F.; Girelli, C. R.; Wang, S. C.; Fanizzi, F. P. Foods, 2022, 11, 113 “Geographical Origin Assessment of Extra Virgin Olive Oil via NMR and MS Combined with Chemometrics as Analytical Approaches”
- Sinrod, A. J. G; Li, X.; Bhattacharya, M.; Paviani, B.; Wang, S. C.; Barlie D. LWT – Food Science and Technology, 2021: “A second life for wine grapes: Discovering potentially oligosaccharides and phenolics in chardonnary marc and its processing fractions”
- Tang, F.; Green, H. S.; Wang, S. C.; Hatzakis, E. Molecules, 2021, 26(2), 310: “Analysis and authentication of Avocado oil using high resolution NMR spectroscopy”
- Polari, J. J.; Mori, M.; Wang, S. C. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol, 2021, 123(3), 2000180: “Virgin olive oils from super-high-density orchards in California: impact of cultivar, harvest time, and crop season on quality and chemical composition”
- Grilo, F. S.; Srisaard, Y.; Wang, S. C. Foods, 2020, 9(9), 1207: “Prediction of walnut deterioration using kernel oxidative stability”
- Green, H. S.; Wang, S. C. Food Control, 2020, 116, 107328: “First report on quality and purity evaluations of avocado oil sold in the US”
- Crawford, L. M.; Carrasquilla-Garcia N.; Wang, S. C. Food Control, 2020, 114, 107264: “Comparison of DNA analysis, targeted metabolite profiling, and non-targeted NMR fingerprinting for differentiating cultivars of processed olives”
- Polari, J. J.; Wang, S. C. ACS Omega, 2020, 5(11), 6074-6081: “Comparative effect of hammer mill screen size and cell wall degrading enzymes during olive oil extraction”
- Bannenberg, G.; Rice, H. B.; Bernasconi, A.; Ferrari, A.; Mallon, C.; Navarrete, L.; Hughes, R.; Igarashi, J.; Persons, K.; Latynski, L.; Phung, A.; Wang, S. C.; Ismail, A. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2020, 88, 103435: “Ingredient Label Claim Compliance and Oxidative Quality of EPA/DHA Omega-3 Retail Products in the U.S.”
- Crawford, L. M.; Carrasquilla-Garcia N.; Cook, D.; Wang, S. C. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2020, 68, 4, 1110-1117: “Analysis of Microsatellites (SSRs) in Processed Olives as a Means of Cultivar Traceability and Authentication”
- Green, H. S.; Li, X.; De Pra, M.; Lovejoy, K. S.; Steiner, F.; Acworth. I. N.; Wang, S. C. Food Control, 2020, 107, 106773: “A Rapid Method for the Detection of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Adulteration using UHPLC-CAD Profiling of Triacylglycerols and PCA"
- Crawford, L. M.; Wang, S. C. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2019, 57, 46, 12633-12641: “Comparative Study of Four Analytical Methods for the Routine Determination of Acrylamide in Black Ripe Olives”
- Lee, C.; Polari, J. J.; Kramer, K. E.; Wang, S. C. ACS Omega, 2018, 3(11), 16081–16088: “Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectrometry as a Fast and Reliable Tool for Fat and Moisture Analyses in Olives”
- Guggenheim, K. G.; Crawford, L. M.; Paradis, F.; Wang, S. C.; Siegel, J. B. ACS Omega, 2018, 3(11), 15754-15762: “B-Glucosidase Discovery and Design for the Degradation of Oleuropoein”
- Olmo-Garcia, L.; Polari J. J.; Li, X.; Bajoub, A.; Fernandez-Gutiereez, A.; Wang, S. C.; Carrasco-Pancorbo, A. Food Chem. 2018, 261, 184-193: “Deep Insight into the Minor Fraction of Virgin Olive Oil by Using LC-MS and GC-MS Multi-class Methodologies”