FAQs for New Chemistry Students

Frequently Asked Questions for New Chemistry Students

  • What if I did not place into general chemistry or calculus?
  • Certain scores are required to take calculus and general chemistry. You can learn more about the math placement here and the chemistry placement here. If you have not met the minimum placement score after your first attempt, you can still register for your desired class during your Pass 1 time. After you register, you can retake the placement during the September 4-10 testing window. If you do not get a qualifying score, you will be dropped from those courses during the second week of class. In this case, it would be your responsibility to sign up for a new course to ensure you stay at your desired unit count.
  • Should I take CHE 1/1V?
  • This fall, we will offer both CHE 1 (in person) and CHE 1V (virtual). If you did not place into general chemistry, CHE 1/1V is a great option if you want to work on your foundational knowledge. This course will go over the basics so that you can go into general chemistry with more confidence. Students who take CHE 1 or CHE 1V in the fall can plan to take CHE 2A in Winter quarter. Additionally, completing CHE 1/1V exempts you from the chemistry placement. Be aware that taking CHE 1 will push you back one quarter, but this can be made up with Summer coursework, increased workload at a later quarter, or extending graduation timeline.
  • Which chemistry and math courses should I choose?
  • Chemistry Bachelors of Science and Chemical Physics
    Students majoring in the Chemistry Bachelors of Science and Chemical Physics need to take CHE 4A and MAT 21A.

    Applied Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and Chemistry Bachelors of Arts
    Students majoring in Applied Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, or the Chemistry Bachelor of Arts have the choice between CHE 2A (traditional general chemistry) and CHE 4A (general chemistry for physical science and engineers). For Calculus, students can choose between MAT 17 (applications to biology and medicine), MAT 19 (applications to data), and MAT 21 for Calculus (traditional calculus). Students should choose based on their placement scores and personal preference. Most students in the majors above will select CHE 2. If a student is looking for a challenge, they can instead select CHE 4. Please note that students who take CHE 4A, need to take MAT 21A at the same time.
  • What else do I take besides Chemistry and Math?
  • We recommend that you work on college/ university requirements such as the Entry Level Writing Requirement or GEs in Arts and Humanities or Social Science. You might also consider signing up for a First Year Seminar or an Aggie Connection. Students who have questions about college and university requirements should meet with the Dean's Office for the College of Letters and Science.
  • Do I get credit for AP/IB/A Level Exams?
  • Students can receive major credit depending on their scores.
    Advanced Placement (AP) Credit & Chart
    International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit & Chart
    You can read more about A-level exams here. A score of A,B, or C is equivalent to the full general chemistry series.
  • Can I change my major?
  • Requirements to change major can vary by department. Please contact the advising office of your intended major to learn more about their change of major process and requirements. If you know you want to change major, you should enroll in courses in your intended major until the change of major is formally processed. 
  • How do waitlists work?
  • Many of our classes, especially CHE 1/1V and CHE 2ABC, will fill up. Please look to see if other sections may work for you. Otherwise, we recommend that you add yourself to the waitlist of the class. Something to keep in mind is if a waitlisted class conflicts with another class you are registered for, you will be skipped over if the system goes to enroll you. Please double check your schedule to make sure there are no conflicts.
  • What are RO Sections?
  • A number of our courses have "RO" sections, or repeater sections. These are specifically designed for students who have taken the course before and only need to repeat the lecture portion. If it's your first time taking the course, please do not enroll in any sections containing an "RO." These classes do not contain a lab and you may be administratively dropped if you are taking it for the first time.
  • Do I need Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Whether you are enrolled or waitlisted for a class, please attend lab with the proper personal protective equipment or you may not be allowed in the lab. This includes long socks, pants without holes, and lab goggles. Please be sure to use lab goggles that make contact all around with your face. Do not buy lab glasses.
     safety goggles and safety glasses

    Safety googles (top portion of image above) and safety glasses (bottom portion of same image)