Chemistry Equivalency Reviews

Equivalency Reviews

Chemistry transfer credits without a valid articulation agreement on Assist need to be approved by the Vice Chairs of the Undergraduate Program via form submission. Please submit a separate form for each chemistry series you would like to be evaluated. For example, you would need to submit a separate form for general chemistry and organic chemistry. Any non-chemistry equivalency reviews will need to be sent to the corresponding department.

Please note that in order to process any credits to your academic record, students will still need to submit their transcripts to the admissions office

Please click the button below and submit the following information in order to initiate the review process for other college chemistry courses.

  • UCD chemistry course that is being proposed as equivalent
  • College or institution previously attended 
  • If courses were taken at multiple community colleges, are they in the same district
  • Course name and number

Additionally, please submit a detailed syllabus for each course that includes a schedule of topics covered in lecture each week via the submission button. If you do not have access to this, we recommend that you reach out to the instructor/department and ask if they can provide a more detailed syllabus from their archives.

In place of a detailed syllabus, just a course description, learning outcomes, or a lecture schedule based on chapter numbers is not sufficient. 

We will no longer be accepting online labs that were taken after Spring of 2022. If you plan to transfer over chemistry coursework, please plan to take labs in person.

Additionally, if you are seeking equivalency for CHE 2A, 2B, or 2C, please also complete the self assessment in the Google Form. If a self assessment does determine that less than 80% of the course content is covered, please do not submit the course for equivalency.

Once all materials have been received, please allow up to four weeks for a decision. 

If you have any questions, please email

Equivalency Review Form