Position Title
Position Title
069 Chemistry
The mathematical bridge between laboratory measurements and molecular structure is the starting point in the application of magnetic and optical resonance to emerging problems. Specific examples include the study of macromolecular dynamics, the invention of full intact wine bottle spoilage detector, the study of the origin of the Earth's magnetic field, and the development of an airport based liquids container screening device.
Education, Awards and Professional Highlights
- Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award, UC Davis (2013)
- Visiting research scientist, Universite de la Mediterranee Aix-Marseille (2005-2008)
- Intel California State Science Fair Keynote Speaker (2005)
- ASUCD Excellence in Education Award (2004)
- Developed Wine Scanner, Inc. to screen full wine bottles for contaminants (2004)
- Developed and filmed "Chemistry of Everyday Life" for the Discovery Channel (2003)
- Alfred P. Sloan Fellow (2001)
- NSF CAREER Award (2000)
- David and Lucile Packard Fellow (1998)
- Appointed to UC Davis faculty (1998)
- NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Berkeley (1995-1997)
- Wolfgang Prize for Outstanding Work in Chemistry (1995)
- B.S. Pennsylvania State University (1990)
Representative Publications
- "Measurement of the Rb Ground State T1 in High Magnetic Field," M. P. Augustine, B. Tounge, and K. W. Zilm, manuscript in preparation.
- "Demagnetization Field Effects in Laser Polarized Xe Gas,"M. P. Augustine and K. W. Zilm, manuscript in preparation.
- "Solid-State 119Sn NMR and Mo1ssbauer Spectroscopy of "Distannynes": Evidence for Large Structural Differences in the Crystalline Phase," Geoffrey H. Spikes, Jason R. Giuliani, Matthew P. Augustine, Israel Nowik, Rolfe H. Herber, and Philip P. Power, Inorg. Chem. 2, 45, 9132-9136(2006).
- "Nuclear Spin Relaxation of Sodium Cations in Pf1 Solution," D. N. Sobieski, S. Vyas, N. Krueger, and M. P. Augustine, J. Chem. Phys.,125, 244509 (2006).
- "Towards Rapid Throughput NMR Studies of full Wine Bottles," D. N. Sobieski, G. Mulvahill, J. S. Broz, and M. P. Augustine, Solid State NMR, 29, 191 - 198 (2006).
- "Nuclear Spin Analogues of Gyromagnetism: Case of the Zero-field Barnett Effect," E. L. Hahn, B. K. Tenn, and M. P. Augustine, Robert Blinc Festscrift, Oxford University Press, 1 - 19 (2006).