2019 Inorganic Symposium
On Thursday November 7, 2019 the Inaugural University of California Davis Inorganic Chemistry Symposium was held on the UC Davis campus at the Student Community Center. Over 120 attendees participated in the event, and these included two representatives from Chevron Richmond, Drs. Atefeh Taheri and Nema Hafezi. The five invited speakers were Plenary Speaker Prof. Jeffrey Long (UC Berkeley), Prof. Cliff Kubiak from UC San Diego, Prof. Sara Skrabalak (Indiana), Prof. Alison Fout (UIUC), and Prof. Susan Kauzlarich (UC Davis).
In attendance from UC Davis were UC Davis faculty, graduate and undergraduate students. The days events included introductory remarks by the Symposium Chair Prof. Berben and by Chevron representative Dr. Taheri, talks by the invited speakers and a poster session with 36 presenters of which about one third were undergraduate students. Lunch was served at midday and students prizes were awarded at the close of the final lecture. The poster session was lively and well-attended with a lot of discussion between the 36 student presenters and the attending faculty and students. For the majority of UC Davis students this was their first opportunity to present and discuss their work with a scientific audience.
Congratulations to the poster prize winners:
Undergraduate - Nathan Soland, Alexandria Adams, Keyan Li, and Christopher Lowe
Graduate - Fatima Hussain, Ryan Dougherty, and Kasey Devlin