X-Ray Instruments

The U.C. Davis Small Molecule X-ray Crystallography Laboratory is equipped with four Bruker AXS X-ray diffractometers; three Single Crystal and one Powder diffractometer. These include a D8 VENTURE Photon100 Kappa Dual source Mo/Cu (Iμs), an APEX-II Dual source Cu (Iμs) and Mo (sealed-tube) and an APEX-II Mo (sealed-tube) diffractometers, including a D8 Eco ADVANCE Powder X-ray diffractometer with Lynx-EX detector and 9 position sample changer. Each Single Crystal instrument possesses an inert atmosphere (N2) low temperature device for typical data collections at 90K with temperature ranges from 90K-230K. 


Xray Room 8 Layout


Room 8 Layout: Duo Cu (Iμs) & Mo sealed-tube sources, APEX-II Mo sealed-tube source.




Duo Internal instrument


Kappa Duo Internal instrument


     Dual Source (Cu (Iμs) and Mo (sealed-tube) sources and APEX-II Internal Configurations



Kappa Duo xray instrument
Eco Advance instrument

 D8 VENTURE Dual Source Mo/Cu (Iμs) and D8 ADVANCE Powder Diffractometers.


Kappa Duo Internal instrument
Eco Advance Internal instrument

Internal configurations for D8 VENTURE & D8 ADVANCE

The facility has several high-speed workstations. Primary crystallographic software is the SHELXTL suite of programs for structure solution and refinement. In addition, we license the Cambridge Structural Database for UCD students, researchers, and staff to use for searching and structural analysis.