2022 Inorganic Symposium
The annual UC Davis Inorganic Chemistry Symposium was held on November 10, 2022 at the Student Community Center. This event was designed to highlight innovative studies in inorganic chemistry. The day consisted of invited speaker presentations given by Joshua Figueroa from UC San Diego, Vincent LaVallo from UC Riverside, Mahdi Abu-Omar from UC Santa Barbara, Carmen Bustos-Works from Cal Poly Humboldt, and May Nyman from Oregon State University. The event also included a poster session that granted postdoctoral, graduate and undergraduate students the opportunity to present their work and earn poster prizes. At the conclusion of the event best poster awards were given to Amanda Caceres (Heffern Lab), Rowan Brower (Velazquez Lab), Fernanda Sofia Quiroz (UC Davis Undergraduate), and Michelle Cihak (Sac State). Hosting events like these in person allow for students to network between academic and industry professionals in their fields of study.