Professor Annaliese Franz Appointed to Interim Associate Dean
She will be the Interim Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Planning in the College of Letters and Science

Dean Estella Atekwana provided an exciting new update on the recent status of filling the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Planning role in the College of Letters and Science. Dean Atekwana announced that Professor Annaliese Franz of the Department of Chemistry would step in as Interim Associate Dean effective July 1, 2022.
Professor Franz joined the UC Davis faculty in 2007 and is currently a professor in the Department of Chemistry. She previously served as the department’s Vice Chair for Undergraduate Affairs from 2015 to 2017 and as Faculty Director of the campuswide Undergraduate Research Center (URC) in 2017-2021. Passionate about education equity, Professor Franz is a leader for several mentorship/scholar programs and initiatives on campus — serving as the Director/PI for the UC Davis NSF Louis Stokes California Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP/CAMP), the Mentorship for Undergraduate Research Participants in Mathematics and Physical Sciences (MURPPS) Scholars Program, and the HHMI Driving Change Initiative at UC Davis.
Please join the Chemistry department and the College of Letters and Science in congratulating Professor Franz!
She can be reached at: