Position Title
Distinguished Professor
Position Title
Distinguished Professor
128 Chemistry
The synthesis of molecules with new types of bonding and the investigation of their reactivity are the main themes of our research. Examples of the new types of molecules include those with formal double or triple bonds between elements such as aluminum, gallium, germanium or tin; quintuple bonds between transitions metals for example ArCrCRAr, two coordinate transition metal molecules and high oxidation state (+4) late transition metal complexes. Fundamental reactions involving hydrogen, ammonia, carbon monoxide or ethylene at room temperature were unknown for main group species until recently and are of great importance for several catalytic cycles as well as hydrogen transport and storage.
Education, Awards and Professional Highlights
- ACS Award in Organometallic Chemistry (2011)
- Elected Fellow of the Royal Society (2005)
- F. A. Cotlon Award in Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry, American Chemical Society (2005)
- Mond Medal Royal Society of Chemistry (2005)
- Alfred P. Sloan Fellow (1985-1989)
- Mond Medal Royal Society of Chemistry (2004)
- Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Auckland, New Zealand (1993)
- Alexander von Humboldt Award (1992)
- Appointed to UC Davis faculty (1981)
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Stanford University (1978-1980)
- Ph.D. University of Sussex (1977)
- B.A. University of Dublin (1974)
Representative Publications
- B. D. Rekken, T. M. Brown, J. C. Fettinger, F. Lips, H. M. Tuononen, R. H. Herber, and P. P. Power. Dispersion Forces and Counterintuitive Steric Effects in Main Group Molecules: Heavier Group 14 (Si-Pb) Dichalcogenolate Carbene Analogues with Sub-90° Interligand Bond Angles. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2013, 135, 10134-10148
- J. M. Zadrozny, M. Atanasov, A. M. Bryan, C-Y Lin, B. D. Rekken, P. P. Power, F. Neese, and J. R. Long. Slow Magnetization Dynamics in a Series of Two-Coordinate Complexes of Fe(II). Chemical Science. 2013, 4, 125-138.
- B. Rekken, T. Brown, J. C. Fettinger, H. M. Tuononen, and P. P. Power. Isolation of a Stable Acylic, Two-Coordinate Silylene. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 6504-6507.
- Y. Peng, B. D. Ellis, X. Wang, J. C. Fettinger and P. P. Power. Reversible σ-Complexation of Ethylene by Main Group Molecules under Ambient Conditions, Science, 2009, 325, 1668-1670.
- G. H. Spikes, J. C. Fettinger and P.P. Power. Facile Activation of Dihydrogen by an Unsaturated Heavier Main Group Compound, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2005, 127, 12232-12233.
- T. Nguyen, A.D. Sutton, M. Brynda, J. C. Fettinger, G. J. Long and P.P. Power. Synthesis of a Stable Compound with Five-Fold Bonding Between Two Chromium (I) Centers, Science, 2005, 310, 844-847.
- A.D. Phillips, R. J. Wright, M. M. Olmstead and P. P. Power. Synthesis and Characterization of 2,6-Dipp2-H3C6SnSnC6H3-2,6-Dipp2 (Dipp = C6H3-2,6-Pri2): A Tin Analogue of an Alkyne. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2002, 124, 5930-5931.
- R. S. Simons and P. P. Power. (h5-C5H5)(CO)2MoGeC6H3-2,6-Mes2: A Transition-Metal Germylyne Complex. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1996, 118, 11966-11967.
- A. Moezzi, M. M. Olmstead and P. P. Power. Boron-Boron Double Bonding in the Species [B2R4]2-: Synthesis and Structure of [{(Et2O)Li}2{Mes2BB(Mes)Ph}], a Diborane(4) Dianion Analogue of a Substituted Ethylene. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1992, 114, 2715-2717.
- J. E. Ellison, P. P. Power and S. C. Shoner. First Examples of Three-Coordinate Manganese(III) and Cobalt(III): Synthesis and Characterization of the Complexes M[N(SiMe3)2]3 (M = Mn or Co). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1989, 111, 8044-8046.