Position Title
Assistant Professor
The Neumann lab joined the Chemistry Department at UC Davis in the summer of 2022 and focuses on understanding the molecular and cellular architecture behind neurological diseases. The research is highly interdisciplinary and involves developing analytical tools and multimodal imaging methods for understanding complex biological phenomena. In sum, we use matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI MSI) to measure hundreds to thousands of molecular features within a biological sample without disturbing their spatial content. We can then couple this chemically informative information to other powerful technologies, such as highly multiplexed immunofluorescence , spectroscopy, or transcriptomics, to get a more complete picture of complex biological systems. We are always looking for enthusiastic and passionate students to join as well as collaborators in any field for collaboration, as these approaches are applicable to most biological systems.
Education, Awards and Professional Highlights
- NIH Postdoctoral Fellow at Vanderbilt University under the supervision of Richard Caprioli and Jeffrey Spraggins
- NSF Doctoral Fellow at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign under the supervision of Jonathan Sweedler
- BS in Chemistry from Baylor University with research performed under the supervision of Touradj Solouki
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
• ASMS Asilomar 2019 Travel Award
• Dr. Laura Busenlehner Award for outstanding postdoctoral trainee for discovery science
• NIH Toxicology T32
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
• 2019 ACS Partners for Progress and Prosperity Award
• 2019 Graduate Student Leadership Award
• National Science Foundation-Graduate Research Fellowship
• Springborn Endowment Fellowship
• Illinois Distinguished Fellowship
Baylor University, Waco, TX
• President’s Gold Scholarship
• Alfred David Denton, Jr., Memorial Endowed Scholarship
• C. Clifton and Betsy Robinson Scholarship
• Nancy Tiner Chemistry Scholarship
• ACS Outstanding Senior Undergraduate Chemistry Student Award
Representative Publications
- Neumann, E. K., Patterson, N. H., Tideman, L., Sharman, K., Migas, L., Allen, J. L., Yang, H., Anderson, D. M., Gutierrez, D., Brewer, M., deCaestecker, M. P., Harris, R., Fogo, A., Van de Plas, R., Caprioli, R. M., Spraggins, J. M. “Molecular classification and profiles of functional regions within Eleven Human Kidneys”, under review, Nature.
- Rivera, E. S., Weiss, A., Neumann, E. K., Migas, L., Freiberg, J. A., Van de Plas, R., Caprioli, R. M., Skaar, E. P., Spraggins, J. M. “MALDI TIMS IMS reveals complex lipid distributions across Staphylococcus aureus biofilm waves”, under revision.
- Sharman, K., Patterson, N. H., Neumann, E. K., Weiss, A., Gutierrez, D. B., Van de Plas, R., Skaar, E. P., Caprioli, R. M., Spraggins, J. M. “Analyzing High-Dimensional Spatially Targeted Proteomics Data During Staphylococcus aureus Infection”, under revision.
- Good, C. J., Neumann, E. K., Butrico, C. E., Cassat, J. E., Caprioli, R. M. Spraggins, J. M., “MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry of Cell Types within Fresh-Frozen Bone Tissue”, accepted.
- Su, P., McGee, J.P., Durbin, K. R., Hollas, M. A. R., Yang, M., Neumann, E.K., Allen, J. L., Drown, B. S., Butun, F. A., Greer, J. B., Early, B. P., Fellers, R. T., Spraggins, J. M., Laskin, J., Camarillo, J. M., Kafader, J. O., Kelleher, N. L. “Direct Imaging and Identification of Proteoforms up to 70 kDa from Human Kidney”, accepted.
- Neumann, E. K., Sharman, K., Patterson, N. H., Weiss, A., Allen, J. L., Sheldon, J. R., Van der Plas, R., Caprioli, R. M., Skaar, Spraggins, J. M. “Deciphering Host Immune Responses with MALDI IMS and CODEX Immunofluorescence”, under review.
- Richardson, L. T., Neumann, E. K., Caprioli, R. M., Spraggins, J. M., Solouki, T. S. “Referenced Kendrick Mass Defect Annotation and Class-Based Filtering of Imaging MS Lipidomics Experiments”, in press.
- Patterson, N. H., Neumann, E. K., Sharman, K., Anderson, D. M., Allen, J. L., Brewer, M., Harris, R., deCaestecker, M. P., Fogo, A., Caprioli, R. M., Van de Plas, R., Spraggins, J. M. “Autofluorescence microscopy as a label free tool for renal histology and glomerular segmentation”, under review.
- Neumann, E. K., Bhaduri, A., Kriegstein, A. R., Sweedler, J. V. “Identification of lipid heterogeneity and diversity in the developing human brain”, JACS Au, Accepted.
- Neumann, E. K., Rivera, E. S., Patterson, N. H., Allen, J. L., Brewer, M.., deCaestecker, M. P., Fogo, A. G., Caprioli, R. M., Spraggins, J. M. “Highly Multiplexed Immunofluorescence of the Human Kidney using Co-Detection by Indexing (CODEX).”, Kidney International, in press.
- Neumann, E. K., Hickey, J. W., Radtke, A. J., Camarillo, J. M., Beuschel, R. T., McDonough, E., Hatler, J., Wilbin, A., Fisher, J., Croteau, J., Sood, A., Caprioli, R. M., Angelo, M., Nolan, G., Hewitt, S. H., Germain, R. N., Spraggins, J. M., Lundberg, E., Snyder, M. P., Kelleher, N. L., Saka, S. K. “Enhancing Antibody-based Multiplexed Imaging with Community Guidelines”, Nature Methods, accepted.
- Neumann, E. K., Patterson, N. H., Allen, J. L., Migas, L., Yang, H., Brewer, M., Anderson, D. M., Gutierrez, D., Harris, R., deCaestecker, M. P., Fogo, A., Van de Plas, R., Caprioli, R. M., Spraggins, J. M. “Protocol for multimodal analysis of human kidney tissue by imaging MS and CODEX multiplexed immunofluorescence”, Star Protocols, 2021, 2(3):100747.
- Neumann, E. K.; Djambazova, K. V.; Caprioli, R. M.; Spraggins, J. M. “Multimodal Imaging Mass Spectrometry: Next Generation Molecular Mapping in Biology and Medicine.” Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2020, 31(12), 2401-2415.
- Rivera, E. S.; Djambazova, K. V.; Neumann, E. K.; Caprioli, R. M.; Spraggins, J. M. “Integrating ion mobility and imaging mass spectrometry for comprehensive analysis of biological tissues: A brief review and perspective.” Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2020, 55(12). e4614- e4629.
- Djambazova, K. V.; Klein, D. R.; Migas, L. G.; Neumann, E. K.; Rivera, E. S.; Van de Plas, R.; Caprioli, R. M.; Spraggins, J. M. “Resolving the Complexity of Spatial Lipidomics Using MALDI TIMS Imaging Mass Spectrometry.” Analytical Chemistry 2019, 92(19), 13290-13279.
- Neumann, E. K.; Migas, L. G.; Allen, J. L.; Van de Plas, R.; Caprioli, R. M.; Spraggins, J. M. “Spatial Metabolomics of the Human Kidney using MALDI Trapped Ion Mobility Imaging Mass Spectrometry.” Analytical Chemistry 2020, 92(19), 13084-13091.
- Snyder, M.P.; Lin. S., Posgai, A.; et al.; Neumann, E. K.; et al. “The Human Body at Cellular Resolution: the NIH Human Biomolecular Atlas Program.” Nature 2019, 574, 187-192.
- Perry, W. J.; Patterson, N. H.; Prentice, B. M.; Neumann, E. K.; Caprioli, R. M.; Spraggins, J. M. “Varying Lipidomics Sensitivities when Employing MALDI Matrices for Imaging Mass Spectrometry.” Journal of Mass Spectrometry 2020, 55(4), e4491 .
- Spraggins, J. M.; Djambazova, K. V.; Rivera, E. S.; Migas, L. G.; Neumann, E. K.; Fuetterer, A.; Suetering, J.; Goedecke, N.; Ly, A.; Van de Plas, R.; Caprioli, R. M. “High-Performance Molecular Imaging with MALDI Trapped Ion-Mobility Time-of_Flight (timsTOF) Mass Spectrometry.” Analytical Chemistry 2019, 91(22), 14552-14560.
- Ta, K.; Zhang, R.; Shin, M.; Rooney, R. T.; Neumann, E. K.; Gewirth, A. A. “Understanding Ca electrodeposition and speciation processes in nonaqueous electrolytes for next-generation Ca-ion batteries.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(24), 21536-21542.
- Neumann, E. K.; Ellis, J. F.; Triplett, A. E.; Rubakhin, S. S.; Sweedler, J. V. “Lipid analysis of thirty-thousand individual brain cells using high-resolution mass spectrometry.” 2019, 91(12), 7871-7878.
- Neumann, E. K.; Sanghamitra, D.; Comi, T. J.; Rubakhin, S. S.; Gillette, M. U.; Bhargava, R.; Sweedler, J. V. “Single cell MALDI mass spectrometry hyphenated to stimulated Raman scattering microscopy for enhanced chemical coverage.” Under revision.
- Neumann, E. K.; Do, T. D.; Comi, T. J.; Sweedler, J. V. “Exploring the Fundamental Structures of Life: Nontargeted, Chemical Analysis of Single Cells and Subcellular Structures.” Angewandte Chemie 2018, 58(28), 9348-9364.
- Neumann, E. K.; Comi, T. J.; Rubakhin, S. S.; Sweedler, J. V. “Single Cell MALDI-MS supervised by immunocytochemical classification.” Angewandte Chemie 2019, 58(18), 5910-5914.
- Li, B.; Neumann, K. E.; Ge, J.; Gao, W.; Yang, H.; Li, P.; Sweedler, J. V. “Interrogation of Spatial Metabolome of Ginkgo biloba with High-resolution MALDI and LDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging.” Plant, Cell & Environment 2018, 41(11), 2693-270.
- Neumann, E. K.; Comi, T. J.; Spegazzini, N.; Mitchell, J. W.; Rubakhin, S. S.; Bhargava, R.; Gillette, M. U.; Sweedler, J. V. “Multimodal Chemical Analysis of the Brain by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging.” Analytical Chemistry 2018, 90(11), 11572-11580.
- Dunham, S. J. B.; Neumann, E. K.; Lanni, E. J.; Ong, T.; Sweedler, J. V. “Biomarker Discovery with Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Profiling.” Proteomics: the Catalyst to Biological Discovery 2019.
- Do, T. D.; Ellis, J. F.; Neumann, E. K.; Comi, T. J.; Tillmaand, E. G.; Lenhart, A. E.; Rubakhin, S. S.; Sweedler, J. V. “Optically Guided Single Cell Mass Spectrometry of Rat Dorsal Root Ganglia to Profile Lipids, Peptides and Proteins.” ChemPhysChem 2018, 19(10).
- Comi, T. J.; Neumann, E. K.; Do, T.; Sweedler, J. V. “microMS: A Python Platform for Image-guided Mass Spectrometry Profiling.” Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 2017, 28, 28, 1919-1928.
- Harper, B.; Neumann, E. K.; Stow, S. M.; May, J. C.; McLean, J. A.; Solouki, T. “Calculating Accurate Collision Cross-sections of Ion Mobility Unresolved Isomers Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Chemometric Deconvolution.” Analytica Chimica Acta 2016, 939, 64-72.
- Harper, B.; Neumann, E. K.; Solouki, T. “DNA Oligonucleotide Fragment Ion Rearrangements Upon Collision-induced Dissociation.” Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 2015, 26(8), 1404-1413.
- Pope, W. H.; Bowman, C. A.; Russell, D. A.; Jacobs-Sera, D.; Asai, D. J.; Cresawn, S. G.; Jacobs, W. R. Jr.; Hendrix, R. W.; Lawrence, J. G.; Hatfull, G. F.; Science Education Alliance Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science; Phage Hunters Integrating Research and Education; and Mycobacterial Genetics Course. “Dramatic Variation in Phage Genome Structures Revealed by Whole Genome comparisons.” eLife 2015,4, e06416.