Position Title
Senior Continuing Lecturer
While the faculty in the chemistry department consider the topic of chemistry the most amazing subject in the known universe, the general public often has a sour distaste for the topic. My goal is to pique the interest of every student in the classroom so they may taste the relevance of chemistry in their learning and their life. To do so, the classroom is used to the maximize the learning experience through excellent lectures, relevant examples, fascinating chemical demonstrations, and engaging interactive components. The classroom experience must be the perfect nexus of learning and increased curiosity.
The laboratory is the hands-on experience that students need to solidify their learning. In order for the laboratory experience to occur, safety among the TAs and dispensary staff is of utmost importance. Without an established safety culture, the integrity of the laboratory experiments would be compromised. When students understand the necessary aspects of safety, they are more prepared for working in laboratories in the future as well as handling chemicals in their own household.
Education, Awards, and Professional Highlights
- TEDxACCD Podium Speaker
- Veterinary Conference Presenter, Davis
- Honored Faculty by Alpha Chi Omega
- University Honors Program Speaker, UC Davis
- Science Presentation, SJSU
- Seminar Speaker, Urbana Convention
- Emerging Scholars Network Blog Feature
- AIChE Internship Mentor Program
- Honored Faculty by Phi Sigma
- General Chemistry GAAN Collaboration
- Honored Faculty by Pi Beta Phi
- Professor of the Future Panel Speaker
- TEDx at UCDavis Podium Speaker
- UCDavis Advertorial Video
- SITT Technical Presentation, UC Davis
- Science Workshop at Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot, China
- Featured Speaker at ASUCD Excellence in Education Awards
- Last Lecture Series, UC Davis
- Science Presentation at St. Mary's College, Moraga, CA
- SRRC Invited Science Speaker for Community College Recruitment, UC Davis
- Science & Philosophy High School Presentation, Walnut Creek, CA
- Golden Gala Ball Featured Speaker, UC Davis
- 2013 & 2010 Excellence in Education Awards – Finalist
- 2013 UC Davis Dining Services Award for Excellent Work and Meaningful Impact
- 2013 Honored Faculty at Inspirations Dinner with Sigma Nu Fraternity
- 2013 Honored Faculty by Delta Gamma Sorority
- 2013 Honored Faculty at Dinner with Professionals
- 2013 Honored Faculty at Professor’s Desserts with Pi Beta Phi Sorority
- 2012-2013 Top Professor on RateMyProfessors.com (September 2013)
- 2012 Excellence in Education Awards – Overall Campus Winner
- 2012 Honored Faculty at the Prytanean Honor Society
- 2012 Honored Faculty at Delta Gamma Sorority
- 2012 Fraternity Teacher Appreciation Award
- 2011 ASUCD Excellence in Undergraduate Education Award Nomination
- 2011 & 2010 Honored Faculty at Gospel Extravaganza
- 2010 ASUCD Excellence in Undergraduate Education Award
- 2010 Pi Beta Phi Education Appreciation Award
- 2010 Honored Faculty Pryterean Dinner Appreciation
Representative Publications
- Kistler, J. D., Chotigkrai, N., Xu, P., Enderle, B., Praserthdam, P., Chen, C-Y., Browning, N. D., Gates, B.C., A Single-Site Platinum CO Oxidation Catalyst in Zeolite KLTL: Microscopic and Spectroscopic Determination of the Locations of the Platinum Atoms, Angewandte Chemie, 2014, 53(34), 8904.
- Enderle, B., Gates, B. C., A Rhenium Carbonyl Bonded to Highly Dealuminated Zeolite Y: Structure Determination by Infrared and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopies, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2004, 6, 2484.
- Enderle, B., Gates, B. C., Alkene Hydrogenation Catalyzed by Rhenium Carbonyls Bonded to Highly Dealuminated Y Zeolite: Spectroscopic Characterization of the Working Catalyst, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A, 2003, 204, 473.
- Enderle, B., Labouriau, A., Ott, K., Gates, B. C., Nanoclusters in Nanocages: Platinum Clusters and Platinum Complexes in Zeolite LTL Probed by 129Xe NMR Spectroscopy, Nano Letters 2002, 2(11), 1269.
- Enderle, B., Bridging the Gaps in Catalysis: Novel Metal Complexes as Zeolite Probes and Metal Cluster Precursors, Ph.D. Dissertation, U.C. Davis 2002.
- Enderle, B., Labouriau, A., Ott, K., Gates, B. C., Osmium Carbonyls in Zeolite X: Characterization by 129Xe NMR Spectroscopy and Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopies, J. Phys. Chem. B 2002, 106, 2109.
- Labouriau, A., Panjabi, G., Enderle, B., Pietrass, T., Gates, B. C., Earl, W., Ott, K., 129Xe NMR of Metal Carbonyl Clusters and Metal Clusters in Zeolite NaY, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1999, 121, 7674-7681.